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Hello, this is Aubrey from easyschoolmarketing.com, and I'm excited to be here today to talk with you about one of my favorite topics, how to engage your parents during the holiday season. Now oftentimes, we get to December and we're like, "Oh, winter break's coming. "Ah, let's just finish this stuff up and get there." And you know, we might send out a holiday card or something, but beyond that, we're kind of all burnt out. But this is a pivotal time to really engage our parents in the life of our mission and really get them that warm sense of, you know, connection as they head into the new year. So I'm gonna share some of my favorite tips for doing that.

Now this number one tip has to do with video, but not how you think. And we just tried it with our annual giving campaign with one of my clients, and it worked splendidly. So all you need is your phone, and you need a person such as the head of school or yourself or maybe some faculty and staff. And basically, you can send little mini snippets of video to your parents via text. So let's say the Smith family has volunteered and is just a wonderful family at the school. You would quickly get on there for 10 seconds, maybe, and say, "Wishing you, the Smith family, "such a wonderful holiday season.

How to Engage Private School Parents This Holiday Season ? Top 5 Tips

"We hope you enjoy this time with family and friends. "We're so grateful that you're part of our wonderful," you know, "X name community." And this is really meaningful because you're giving, it's a personalized message, much more than if you were to send an email or even sometimes a handwritten card. This is key. And so it only takes 10 seconds. That's the beauty of it. Do it informally, anywhere around school, and send it off to the Smith family. Bonus if you could include one of the Smith children in there. But just keep it simple. I like to say B minus effort. A plus would be Smith family children in there and you're wishing the Smith family a happy holidays.

The B minus effort is produce, produce, produce, and you want to produce, you could produce, let's say, maybe it takes 10, 15 seconds per video, and let's say you need a breather in between, okay. You could get 10 videos done in 10 minutes. And let's say you had even a school of 600. You could knock these out with different people, all if you had like five different people going at the same time, in less than 30 minutes. And what an impact that would have for your families. So that is a tip I hope you will try this holiday season. And let me know, I can't wait to hear about it. Now another tip that I often say this is throughout the year you should be doing is to send personalized cards to your families with their child's photo on it. Why? Well, it's such an easy way and such a soft touch that you can really connect with parents.

Do it through the holiday season. Maybe their child is in a special performance or you see them doing a particular piece of, you know, a lesson or something. Capture it. There are many apps on your phone, TouchNote, Ink Cards, everything, and you can easily upload that photo and dee, send it off to the parent. And what a wonderful surprise they get in their mail. And as we all know, our email boxes are quite crowded nowadays, but the mail is not as much. So this will be a wonderful surprise for your family during the holiday season. Let's think of some other ways we might engage our parents this holiday season.

One of my favorites is, this is actually a time when people's work schedules tend to be a bit more flexible with all the activities. So I suggest if you are maybe having like that last week before winter break when everything is already crazy in the classrooms, maybe this is a time when you can have a child-parent activity in the classroom like baking or maybe they're going for a hike. Something simple that doesn't require one, the parent to do anything, number two, a high cost to the school, and number three is not like completely offline with mission. You wanted to make it easy for everyone involved. So if you have something like that, you could easily create a parent could come read in, you know, at school sometime.

You could create a SignUpGenius and send it, you know, a little online signup form, and send it out to parents and they could select the date and time they wanna come read in the classroom. Never go back and forth with dates. Make it was easy as possible for them. So you could do all these things. The parents could come in and sing, you know, holiday songs with the kids. It gets them in the classroom. Now a word of warning, these are busy Millennial parents. Their schedules are crazy. So one, you need to give them advance notice if you're going to do this. Number two, you should make it either at a drop-off or a pick-up time where most families are going to be so that it's not in the middle of the day when parents are at work. Make it easy so they could take an hour or two off work, go do this with their child, and take their child and leave.

That's the easiest way and plenty of advance notice, please. But something like that and maybe dabble a few opportunities here and there is very effective for warming hearts during the holiday season. Now let's think of some other ways. What else could you do around your school to make sure that parents feel engaged during this time of year? Let me see, some of my other favorites are have to do with emails. Now we all are bombarded with emails during the holiday season, especially for donations, but I like to create emails that highlight videos of what's going on in the school. I mean, this is a very festive season in a lot of schools. So are there musicals, plays, you know, singing things, holiday cheer? Any of those sort of things that you have going on, make sure you video them, make sure you send it out in an email, obviously post on social media, but you're sharing and connecting with the parents.

Added bonus is if you use video for faculty and staff to say, you know, "Happy holidays from the Math Department," or something like that and you're posting that on your social feed. That parents are really connected. I mean, think about it, the teachers are usually spending more time with their children than they are during the day. They're very connected to these teachers. And to have them wish them a happy holiday season means a whole lot to them. So that is a very effective way to warm hearts and engage your parents this holiday season. Let's see what else we have. I suggest that if you are doing something, maybe like an all-school assembly sorts, that's another opportunity that you can engage parents.

Or you can film it live. Now depending on what sort of restrictions you have with photography and live filming, you could do some Facebook Lives around that. You could do Facebook Live, you know, holiday wishes or have some of your faculty and staff sing silly songs. These are all wonderful ways, and I guarantee you're gonna get record engagement on them with your families.

How to Engage Private School Parents This Holiday Season ? Top 5 Tips

Today I want to talk about how you can know whether your homeschooled kid is ready for college. I mean, how do you know, especially if they haven't done a lot outside of your little homeschool community. Maybe they have taken a couple of classes, maybe they have even taken a class at the high school. You know it depends on your situation, but how do you know if your kid is ready to leave home, fly the nest, and actually tackle that college thing? Well, today we're going to talk about those, a list of things that you can kind of run down to know whether or not your kid is ready for college.

Now, what I am going to tell you is some of these things that I am going to talk about I actually made other videos for. So if you're watching this somewhere other than my blog, feel free to click on the link and check out the link to the actual blog posts. You can see the videos that go along with some of these topics. Also, I just want to mention that this is a really interesting time period for a homeschool mom and the reason is you have kept your kids close right, and intentionally. A lot of us homeschool because we want to be more involved in our children's lives. We want to be more involved in the education.

Your Homeschooled Kid Ready for College or Not ? How to Know ?

We want to be a part of the journey and we want to instill our values. We want to help them grow up to be successful adults in an environment that nurtures and respects them. Regardless of all the reasons that you chose to homeschool, at some point you have to let your kids grow beyond the walls of your home. And that can be a really different experience because you have kept them close. This, it may be the very first time they've been gone for a long period of time, whether it is just a day by day thing, or they actually move away and go somewhere else. And so when you start to think about this, it can bring up a lot of emotions, a lot of experience, a lot of thoughts about have I prepared them?

Did I do a good job? Have I failed them? You know? And so what we want to do is help our children be prepared and be as successful as possible. We want them to be ready to leave as much as we have worked to keep them close. So what I want to do is just go down a series of questions you can ask yourself and all of these questions were listed in a book called "The Self-Driven Child". And I will leave a link to that, you know, down below or up above or wherever you're watching this video. It will also be on my blog. And that book had a whole chapter on your child's readiness for college. Absolutely recommend the book. It's fabulous for lots of reasons, but I loved this chapter in particular.

I marked it. I actually found myself calling everyone I know and saying, you're not going to believe what I just found out. There is so much good information here. I wish I'd had this years ago. I'm one of those people. So if you have a friend like that, I'm sorry because we just get so excited when we find new things that we want to share. So I am excited to share this with you today. Okay, so lets talk about this. This is all about readiness and there is about one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, nine questions, some sub questions that you are going to ask yourself. So bear with me. We are going to go through these one by one. Okay. So number one first question, does your child understand themselves and how they do things best? Do they understand how they go about moving through their day?

Do they understand what they're good at and what they need help with? Do they understand themselves? Do they have a sense of self awareness? That's question number one. Question number two, can your child self regulate? And what they mean what this book and this list means by self regulate is, are they able to make decisions independent of the people around them, that will be good for them? So particularly, are they able to self regulate against their peers? So if they have a friend who calls them up and says, "Hey, let's go to the restaurant at midnight", and they know that they need to go to bed cause they have a big test the next day. Are they able to say no because they know what is best for them?

Are they able to regulate their own environment and be in control of themselves? Number three, is your child adequately self-motivated? Who makes their choices about school? So does your child know how to get things done themselves? Do they know how to pick their own classes? Do they know how to know what they want to take? Do they know how to track themselves and plan themselves? Are they able to make decisions about their education independent of you? Now, this does not mean that you completely aren't involved. All it means is that they are able to take the lead and you are playing a supporting role. Because if they can not take the lead, then when they are out on their own, they'll be lost. Because they won't be able to make those day to day educational choices that are so important in the college environment. Okay, so that was number three. Number four, can they manage day to day living independently? Independently means can they do their own laundry?

Do they know how to cook? Do they know how to take care of a vehicle if they are going to take a car to college. You are looking at, do they have the life skills to live on their own? And it is unfortunate how many kids go to college who do not have this. Now I do not think this is as much an issue in the homeschool community. I think that my experience has been that in the homeschool community at large, we are really, really focused on making sure our kids have life skills. And we have the benefit that they have been home to learn those life skills while they are also getting an education. But I do think it is a good thing to ask yourself, do they know how to make doctor's appointments?

Do they know how to, you know, get themselves to a doctor's appointment, have a conversation if they need to figure out information, all of that. Okay, so that's number four. Number five, does your child have a healthy way to manage stress? College is stressful, life is stressful. And how does your child manage themselves when they get stressful? Do they do it in healthy ways? Like go for a bike ride or a walk or exercise? Do they do some kind of calming exercise, whether that's meditation or playing a musical instrument or reading or you know, anything that they do that is a really healthy way to calm down as opposed to watching television, eating, playing video games. There are some really unhealthy ways to manage stress that will not serve them well in the college environment. So just kind of being aware of your child and where are they with their ability to manage stress. Okay. Number six.

Number six is, is your kid burned out? This is a really honest question to ask. We can get in the mindset of, well, my kid is done with high school. It's time to go to college or whatever age they are and just think it is the next step to hit without taking a step back and saying, would they benefit from some time off? Would they benefit from that gap year that happens outside of the United States. Where they go out and they work or they do an internship unpaid or they travel or they do something else. That allows them to just explore other aspects of their personality and who they are that is not educational. Do they just need a break where they go to work and they come home? How has their educational experience been so far and would they benefit from some time off? So number six is, is your kid burned out?

I think it is a really great question to ask and sometimes the answer might be a little hard to come to terms with, but it is a great question to ask. Okay, number seven, does your child have the skills they need to do the academic work? Now, hopefully in your homeschool you have been able to somehow navigate them to the place where they are ready to do college work. But you know what? Maybe you haven't, maybe you haven't. Maybe your kid has special needs. Maybe your family has been focused on other things. Maybe you have decided to homeschool in a really alternative way and your kid has a really great education, but maybe does not have some of the skills that are needed in a college level environment.

For example, reading large quantities or listening to large quantities of information. You know, really fast pace because college moves really fast. Do they know how to write at a college level or at a beginning college level? It is easy to track based on your experience at the end of college, so it is at the beginning college level. Do they know how to study and for a big exam. These are skills, these are not knowledge. But if they don't have those skills, it might be beneficial to either do some remedial work, remedial when you are going to college, it is not going to feel remedial. But finding ways for them to pick up some of those skills before they start. If you sense that learning those skills on the fly is going to be kind of hard for them. So that's number seven. Do they have the skills to do the academic work required in the college environment? Number eight. Number eight, we are almost done.

Does your child know how to ask for support, academic or emotional if they need it? And do they know where to go to get that support? Do they know how to create that support around themselves? A lot of kids struggle in college if they do not know how to get to the academic advisement center. And it is called different things in different universities or colleges, but where they get support for disabilities of any kind. Do they know how to go find for that support and are they willing to ask for it? Do they know how to recognize when they are struggling in a situation and ask for help from a tutor to take advantage of the writing lab? Schools nowadays provide a plethora of opportunities and support, but the kid has to know how to take it and they have to want to actually go get help. The kids who get help are very successful in college, almost across the board. The ones that do not often struggle.

So does your kid know what they need and do they know how to find that? Do they? That is number eight. Number nine, can your child manage a social environment that is complex? College is a complicated social environment, even more than a high school environment. And if your child has been homeschooled, this may be an area where they have less experience than their peers. Do they know how to handle a large group of people that are all the same age who are jockeying for social position? Do they know how to socially interact and have conversations about topics that are outside of the academic arena? Do they know how to handle, the romantic relationships that are inevitably going to start happening once they are in a college environment? Do they know how to date? Do they know how to say yes?

Do they know how to say no? Do they know how to protect themselves? Do they know how to put themselves in safe places versus unsafe places? These are things that we maybe do not think about when we think about going to college. We think about the academic side. But is your child socially prepared to go? And if they are not, how can you help them prepare? And I think that, in the end, is the real question. If you see a deficit in any of these areas, what can you do to help improve your child's chances of success? And that may mean taking a break before they actually start the college experience.

And only you and they are going together to know how to do that. Now remember, it doesn't have to be perfect. You do not have to say a hundred percent a hundred percent a hundred percent for your kid to be able to go. My oldest daughter just went to college. We could not say 100% on all of these, but I felt confident enough and I'm going to say "enough" because there were moments where I was like, I do not know. I hope she is going to be okay, but she is thriving. She is thriving, and it turns out that she is okay that she is navigating these. The social thing has been a little bit trickier for her. The academic one, she is doing great.

I am actually surprised because some of the academic skills that she is doing in college are not the ones that I thought we had practiced at home, but it turns out she had picked them up along the way. But we had done life skills, we had worked on emotional regulation. We had worked on a lot of this even if we weren't at 100%. The other thing is, and I have said this a couple of times, but I am going to say it again. Do not push your kid if they are not ready. That is the number one recipe for failure in college and you do not want that for your kid. Nobody has to go to school at 18 there are so many routes to success.

Some take you through college, some do not. And if you head through college, not everybody has to go to college right out of high school. Not everybody has to do college early. Some people do college at 20, 21, 22 after they have done something else for a couple of years and that is okay. That is okay. As homeschoolers, we are used to tracking differently, taking all different alternate paths. Do not let yourself get trapped in this idea that now that you have done this alternate path up to 18 or whatever age your kid is, now you are going to just jump into the normal rhythm. You have so many choices. So this is the list.

I love this list because it is so comprehensive. It is so much bigger than just, can your kid do a certain type of schoolwork. It is an holistic approach to how do you launch a child into adulthood, into a supportive environment where hopefully they can thrive. I hope this list has been helpful. If you want to check out more videos about different aspects of this, then go ahead and make sure that you head over to my blog. If you're not there already, watch those other videos. I have other resources that are available for you as a homeschool mom, no matter what age your kids are, and I make these videos every week because I want you to be confident. I want you to be successful, and that's why I make those resources.

Your Homeschooled Kid Ready for College or Not ? How to Know ?

Mobile is most expensive invention of science so you also need to use it in your study. You can use it in school to make your study easy. Mobile is not only for entertainment and calling but also you can also use it to make your study easy. So we have included best uses of mobile in school. Everyone know that there are so many negative points about mobile but there are so many positive points also so it will totally depend on you. If you will use mobile in good works then it will help you and if you will use it in wrong works then it will destroy your humanity.

Mobile is only thing , we need to use it in right ways. This is depend on use that we are using mobile for right works or wrong works. We can use mobile in these works in school and college. It will help us if we will use it in some right ways.

Uses of Mobile in School

Here we have listed top 40 uses of mobile in schools. You can use it in so many other works but these works can be done by mobile easily without any problem.

  • Check facts
  • Take photos
  • Make videos
  • Carry out tests
  • Read the news
  • Dictionary
  • Translator
  • Calendar
  • Write down ideas
  • Listen to music
  • Images
  • Review
  • Stopwatch or timer
  • Read eBooks
  • Voice Recorder
  • Discover related subject material
  • Document scanner
  • Calculator
  • Edit videos
  • Edit pictures
  • Publish in the class blog
  • Track blog visits
  • Make presentations
  • Remote control
  • Communicate
  • Store formulas
  • Control noise in the classroom
  • Updates
  • Locate points on the map
  • Tweet
  • Study vocabulary
  • Control attendance
  • Assess students
  • Clock
  • Inspire
  • Share Notes
  • Digital Whiteboard
  • Weather
  • Measure productivity
  • Play

Uses of Mobile in School

Maths is most important subject if you are science student. You can't avoid maths subject if you are science based student. This subject is very important for you so you need to word hard on it. Actually maths is easy for some people and also so hard for so many people. It is totally depend on your way to study to maths. If you will follow correct methods to study maths then it will be easy for you otherwise it will go harder and harder for you.

You can't avoid maths so you need to follow some correct methods to make it easy for you otherwise you will be trapped in it and it will not easy for you to escape from it. If you are facing problems in maths then you can follow these tips to solve you problems. These tips are given by some experts like Einstien. If you are thinking that you are dull in maths then these tips will make you genius in maths. Maths is totally different from other subject so you can't compare it with other subject.

Best Tips to Solve Maths Problems

You know that Maths is different subject so you can't apply study methods of other subject , you need to use some different and other ways to study maths. So we have included some best tips to solve maths problems.

  • First of all you need to practice, practice and practice...
  • You need to review errors
  • Master the key concepts
  • You need to understand your doubts
  • You need to create a distraction free study environment
  • You need to create a mathematical dictionary
  • You need to apply maths to real world problems

Best Tips to Solve Maths Problems

It is not easy to crack any exam , you all know this thing so you need to do different from others. It is possible if you have a sharp and good memory. If you want success in exams then you need to read so many things and need to prepare these things perfectly otherwise there is no chance for you to get success in exams. If you are not able to learn everything easily then you need to improve you memory. In this article we have included best study hacks to improve your memory.

There are so many persons who are know as genius. So what is different in these guys from others, you need to know this thing. If you can know that what they do different from others then you can follow them to make your memory strong and sharp.

Best Study Hacks to Improve Your Memory

  • Walk before an exam
  • Speak out loud instead of simply reading
  • Reward yourself with a treat
  • Teach what you learned
  • Create a mental associations
  • Draw diagrams
  • Times new roman is the fastest front  to read
  • Use apps to block distracting sites
  • Watch a documentary on the topic
  • Search google like a pro
  • Create flashcards for quick memory buzz
  • Take regular study breaks
  • Listen to the correct type of music
  • Make your study space portable
  • Practice , Practice and Practice......
  • Don't stay up all night before an exam
  • Discover new ways to learn
  • Use scents or gum to jog your memory
  • Study in a group
  • Medicate

Best Study Hacks to Improve Your Memory

If you are a student then this article is very important for you. How much time you are spending for study in a day. Yes this thing matter very well but how much you learn in a day , it is most important. If you are studying in all day but not learning anything then your study is waste of time. You need to study smartly with some tips and tricks. To tell you something about correct learning methods , i have come back again with this article and we will cover best scientific ways to learn faster in this article.

If you want to know something special methods to learn everything easily then you need to follow these steps everyday. These scientific steps will help you to crack any exam in easy way. Yes these are scientific proved ways to learn everything faster. We can say that these are ways to study smartly. If you are thinking that you are unable to learn something then you need to read these ways once.

Best Scientific Ways to Learn Faster

  • Learn the same information in a variety of ways
  • Study multiple subject each day, rather than focusing on just one or two subjects
  • Review the information periodically , instead of cramming
  • Sit at the front of the class
  • Don't multitask
  • Simply, summarize and compress the information
  • Take notes by hand , instead of using your laptop
  • Write down your worries
  • Test yourself frequently
  • Connect what you are learning with something you already know
  • Read key information out loud
  • Take regular study breaks
  • Reward yourself at the end of each study session
  • Focus on the process , not on outcome
  • Drink at least eight glasses of water a day
  • Exercise at least three times a week
  • Sleep at least eight hours a night and don't pull all nighters
  • Eat blueberries
  • Eat chicken and eggs
  • Eat omega-3 fatty acids.

Best Scientific Ways to Learn Faster

Going to prepare for competitive exam ? If yes then you need to read these study tips to preparation exam. Yes this is very important step for you to complete your course on time and study smartly. If you want to achieve your goal and want to do smart study then you need to follow these tips and tricks. These tricks are given by some research centers so we can't blame on any one. But if you want to crack any exam then you need to know some tips before starting for preparation.

In this article we will try to give you most important tips to crack your exam easily. It is very hard to clear any competitive exam these days because there is so much competition. If you want to get rank in this competition then you need to do something different and these tips will make you able to do this. If you will read these tips then you will change your system of study.

Best Study Tips for Exam Preparation

It is true that hard work is key to success but you need to work smartly to get rank in competitive exams. Yes both hard work and smart work are necessary to crack any exam. So without thinking anything you need to follow these tips.
  • Give yourself enough time to study
  • Organize your study space
  • Use flow charts and diagrams
  • Practice on old exams
  • Explain your answers to others
  • Organize study groups with friends
  • Take regular breaks
  • Snack on brain food
  • Plan your exam day
  • Drink plenty of water

Best Study Tips for Exam Preparation

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